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About our Club

GBSA is a community volunteer organization with headquarters at the Gulf Breeze Community Center. The association is a private entity unrelated to the City of Gulf Breeze. The Association is managed by a 16 member Board of Directors, elected by current family memberships on the 3rd Thursday of January, every year at the Community Center. Nominations are announced at the meeting and are taken from the floor the night of the meeting.

The youth sports managed by the Association are as follows:

Soccer - August - November
Football - August - November
Girls Volleyball - August - November
Cheerleading - August - November
Basketball - November - February
Lacrosse - January - May
Baseball - March - May
Softball - March - May
Flag Football - April - May

Each sport is managed by a sport commissioner. The commissioner is directly responsible for the administration of the program as directed by the board.

The park rules are the guidelines established by the City of Gulf Breeze Parks & Recreation Department. Individual sport regulations, policies and procedures are the responsibility of the Gulf Breeze Sports Association. Revisions to the specific sports regulations can be added at any time by a majority vote of the Board.

All meetings of the board are open meetings. They are held the second Monday of each Month.

2025 GBSA Board Members
  • President - Doug Dasinger - [email protected]
  • Vice President - Jeff Werrell - [email protected]
  • Treasurer -Tiffany Snyder - [email protected]
  • Secretary -Courtney Christensen  - [email protected]
  • Drew Crooke - 
  • Brad Larrieu
  • Logan Campbell - 
  • Chris Middendorf
  • Kyrie Stanley - 
  • Taylor Jernigan - 
  • Wes Cottingham
  • Devin Arnold - 
  • Brittany Vier
  • Kyle Jones
  • Jason Foster
  • Joshua Payne
GBSA Sport Commissioners